Prevention agreement; what are implications for your company?

Professor Wientjes and Health Council advise focus on prevention

Over the past 10 years, healthcare costs rise faster than the increase in GDP (Gross Domestic Product). The prediction is that the healthcare costs will be 31% of GDP in 2040. This is due to ageing, increase in the number of people with chronic diseases, technological developments and development of expensive drugs. According to the EU an average of 75% of healthcare costs are spent on chronic diseases and only 3% on prevention. While the majority of chronic diseases can be prevented. In October the Health Council advised for more research into prevention and professor Wientjes advised to come to a prevention agreement between among others ESC, unions, health insurers and possibly your business.

How to effectively shape prevention?

At the NPHF reading on 17 October 2016 Professor Wientjes advises to come to a prevention agreement in which businesses and other stakeholders take responsibility, and that people and organizations working for better health experience and economic return. In the same week the Health Council pleas for more research into prevention by University Medical Centers. It’s positive for everyone that these recommendations have been established. However, before these proposed measures are implemented and the results of studies are available, we are at least a year or two years further. Programs in organizations to increase vitality and sustainable employability have as yet produced insufficient results in the prevention of chronic diseases. When policy doesn’t change we will be having 7 million people with chronic diseases in 2030 in The Netherlands. This will cost society and companies a lot of money. Money that could otherwise be spent if we could achieve a healthier society. Everyone agrees there is still much to be gained by prevention.


Entrepreneurs who show leadership for prevention contribute to a better world

I hope that every entrepreneur realizes the positive contribution he / she can make to a healthier future which can deflect the upward trend of chronic disease. While the economic results of his business will increase.

The necessary investments are limited:

  • Attention to whom the employee is and what is going on with him or her
  • Short and effective meetings
  • Healthy food in the canteen
  • After lunch, a walk in the open air
  • Clean and fresh air; O2 rich green plants
  • Drinking plenty of water

These measures are simple, effective and sustainable. The result will be less absenteeism and disability costs and more money for education and innovation; A creative and thriving business where young and old like to work. From the perspective of businesses I see no reason to wait for a signed prevention agreement or results of scientific research. Scientific publications substantiate the effect of each of the above measures. The business case is positive. All the more reason to get started immediately.

Do you like to know more?

COBALA offers screening for nutrients and biomarkers and personalised integrative care for a better quality of life. For Prevention and Chronic Diseases.

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